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GROW for CARE is 100% focused on bridging the many gaps that exist for every entity in every community from the individual to the corporation. G4C is the solutions bridge builder!


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Personal Development

Our most popular services are centered our personal development. We assist with everything from recruitment, job coaching, resume writing, and life mapping to time management and retirement planning. We are committed to helping people make the most out of their lives. As previously mentioned, self-sufficiency is our top priority.

Business Development

All of the services available to nonprofit organizations are available to for profit enterprises and more. We assist with everything from concept ventures to established businesses. Business owners can elect to research resources online or schedule a meeting and be paired with a business professional that will assist in identifying resources for every facet of ensuring the success of their business.

Spiritual Development

Connecting people with places of worship and spiritual leaders irrespective of religious affiliation. ALLIANCE 10 aims to support your faith and spiritual development. Visiting our database portal puts people in touch with those of like faith. Whether curious or committed, our site will assist you in your journey.

Branding Differentiation

The age-old question of how does your brand stand apart from others in the eye of the consumer is posed. Being able to refer to a specific point in time when your brand was able to aid in the recovery of blighted communities across America is a substantial contribution and exceptional method of brand differentiation.


Holistic Development

Connecting people with professionals in all manner of health fields from mental health and acupuncture to herbalists and physicians. Health consists of mind, body, and soul. Financial resources are also available for individuals who may not have insurance or the financial resources to remain healthy.

Long Term Strategic Planning

Each corporation has a unique set of needs and those needs can be effectively filled by the local community at a reduced cost to the corporation. By pairing the needs of corporations with the resources of the local community, each party will have a share in the resulting prosperity.



Connecting people with educational opportunities, financial resources, and research opportunities. Individuals can search for learning institutions from pre-kindergarten learning centers to universities. The database portal and select resource centers will be privy to our proprietary “Edutainment” series which features a unique presentation of history to foster a positive self- image. Students will enjoy an array of presentations that vary from musical performances to spoken word arts. 

Employee Engagement

Ultimately, whether your employees are relocated or locally sourced, they will end up living near the work site. ALLIANCE 10 offers employers the opportunity to review and project the needs of the community and its employees as a result. Additionally, the resource centers have numerous volunteer opportunities for dedicated corporate volunteers.


2nd Income Generation

Having the opportunity to generate a 2nd income via entrepreneurship, strategic partnerships and/or referral/marketing programs can be extremely beneficial for the right person. As we're 100% focused on creating win/win situations, our strategic partners are always looking for persons who are ready, willing and able to help them move their businesses forward in exchange for financial reward. 

Customer Engagement

There isn’t a more direct method of customer engagement than being able to view the needs of the community as disclosed by its members. Our grassroots teams collect information concerning the requests and demographics of members of the community. It will allow corporations to view the direct requests of citizens and their basic demographic information, down to the street level. The information will not have been generated by a census or questionnaire and it is our assertion that it will be more reliable than any internet search engine can produce.

Think Tanks

This is where subject matter experts come to make a difference in their local community. Connecting professionals with local societies and Boards for the betterment of the community. Experts may start or join a panel of like credentialed and/or diverse individuals to resolve an agreed upon issue within the community. They may also review data concerning zip codes across the nation to study differing and/or common disparities. It is a hybrid of an information center and opportunities to effect change in their community.

Community Benefits

The database portal allows citizens to fill out a brief questionnaire that identifies the needs of the person and puts them in touch with professionals and resources that can aid in the resolution of their issue. Individuals who are unable or do not desire to access the portal can schedule a meeting for assistance by identifying their needs and formulating a plan. Each resource professional is equipped with case managers that are trained in motivational interviewing techniques that will assist in drawing out key information and soliciting participation from community members in their own positive outcomes.


Legal Aid

The database portal makes available pro bono subject matter experts, attorneys for hire on a sliding fee scale, and general information concerning the issues of the community. Whether a person is facing divorce, criminal charges, discrimination, or any other legal issue, the database portal is available to provide practical solutions to life’s legal issues.

Global Resources

Connecting local businesses with international resources, such as oversees manufacturers and call centers. It allows local businesses to reap the benefits of harnessing reduced labor costs, just as larger corporations do. It also connects local causes with international needs. Want to send water to the dessert? Now it’s possible to locate unique international needs.



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