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Turn your leisure time (or incorporate your work time) into a 2nd income that works for you, small businesses, good corporate citizens and the community.

A connected community is a strong community. Regardless of who you are, what you do, where you work, lounge, play or pray, everyone has a need for connectivity. The individual to opportunity, the family to support, the community to assistance, the business to contracts, the non-profit to investments, the politician to his/her constituents, the government office to its citizens or the corporation to its customers/clients, we ALL have a need, regardless of where we are within/on the circle of community, have a need to connect


GROW4CARE is THE HUB of the MANY BRIDGES for that connectivity.


"NO ONE can do EVERYTHING, but if EVERYONE does SOMETHING, everything WILL get done."

Tel: 832-239-7431

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